Monday, February 11, 2013

New Hire Onboarding - Practical Advice for Boosting Performance & Retention

It's Day One. Do you know where your new employee is?

You work so hard to make a favorable impression on job candidates. But what happens when they show up for work? How are you handling the employee's first hour, first day, first week and first months on the job?

The truth is, most employers devote less time to planning their onboarding procedures than they do their holiday party ... a mistake that costs companies greatly in bottom line and reputation.

A "sink or swim" onboarding process doesn't work, especially for younger generations who place a high value on structured employment procedures. What's more, research shows that employees who are part of a structured onboarding program are 69% more likely to remain with the company after three years than those who are not. 

Every organization has a new hire onboarding process, whether it's managed or not. What impact do your actions have on productivity and retention? Isn't it time you found out? 

For additional insight and strategies on this topic, register for my February 19 webcast, New Hire Onboarding: Practical Advice to Boost Performance & Retention, hosted by Business Management Daily.

Amy Hirsh Robinson, Principal, Interchange Group
Workforce Strategies for the New Economy


  1. What cracks me up is the interview question, "So what will you focus on or accomplish in the first 90 days or so on the job?", and then when you start, after HR has you fill out the forms and IT delivers your equipment, you get paraded around and introduced (if that) and then you are ON YOUR OWN. Can't tell you how many past jobs have been like this. In my current firm for the first week or two a new employee is paired with someone who gives them tasks, shows how its done, and stays in touch by the hour, answering all questions (or leading to the right source for an answer). The newbies also attend our company "university" where executives teach the entire company, products and market approach over a 3 day period, with all meals a social setting to get to know everyone. Great stuff.

  2. onboarding will give a good employment friendly experience in the concern..It will reduce the more work in any concern..

  3. Employee Onboarding is very important to every concern to improvise the relationship between the employee and the company..nice onboarding ideas are shared by you.Thanks a lot..

  4. Its nice to get information about the Employee Onboarding....
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  5. This situation happens in every ones life.Thanks for sharing the information. New hire onboarding

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  7. Its a good information. To get a corporate culture we need to implement Employee onboarding in better way new hire restaurant

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  16. The practical advice is really useful for many company employee onboarding

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