Thursday, March 20, 2014

Succession Planning Now for Successful Leaders Later

The Human Capital Institute (HCI) recently released their interview with me on my succession planning practices and expertise in building a strong talent pipeline for organizations.

This podcast, Succession Planning Now for Successful Leaders Later, addresses six critical succession planning issues facing companies:
  1. What are organizations doing differently today to prepare Millennials for leadership roles?
  2. What methods are effective in assessing and addressing talent for skills gaps?
  3. How can organizations simplify the succession planning process or begin with an easy approach?
  4. How often and with whom should you engage in the succession planning process?
  5. Should "high potential" employees be informed of their status?
  6. How can the scope of succession planning reach beyond the executive level?
Please feel free to listen to the free podcast and/or contact me directly with any questions or comments on the topic.

Amy Hirsh Robinson, Principal, Interchange Group
Workforce Strategies for the New Economy

Monday, March 3, 2014

Succession Planning for Nonprofits

Demographic shifts are affecting society and its institutions in powerful ways. As America's population ages, we will see unprecedented transfers of authority and responsibility from the Traditionalist and Baby Boomer generations to Generation X and the Millennial Generation. The impact to nonprofit organizations and the boards that govern them will be especially profound. 

Consider this:
  • Almost 60% of nonprofits Executive Directors are over 50
  • Only 17% of nonprofits have documented succession plans for their Executive Directors
There are certain steps that nonprofit boards must take, as part of their governance duties, to establish executive succession plans. Without these plans, the financial and organizational sustainability of the nonprofit is at risk. 

In my consulting work over the past 12 years I have frequently been asked to guide nonprofits through the necessary steps to establish executive succession plans. I have simplified the process so that most Boards complete the plan within 1-2 months using my expertise as a guide. 

If you are interested in learning more about this approach, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at

For more information and resources on succession planning, onboarding and the multigenerational workforce, log onto

Amy Hirsh Robinson, Principal, Interchange Group
Workforce Strategies for the New Economy